Time for Change and Transformation – we are in the MIDDLE of it
Hard vs. soft factors – what drives success?

Balance between technical process and employee needs

Times of step-by-step evolution and long-term planning are gone. We live in disruptive VUCA times. I have helped many teams and even branches to successfully cope with change. Complex and large processes I have accompanied long term. I always aim to balance technical and numbers driven processes with the buy-in of employees and stakeholders. That is how sustainable, measurable results can be achieved.

The technical and implementation-oriented side I manage with tools like Balanced Scorecard. To ensure that employees are made into change agents I use tools like Actee Change® and 4Rooms of Change® .

For managers and teams, online and Face to Face. This can happen in connection with ongoing change processes as well as independently, e. g. as part of Leadership Development.

To help managing ongoing change. In most cases Face-to-Face facilitation alternates with virtual sequences.